It's Not Too Late! Join The Most Talked About 'Stop Work Order' Virtual Summit, Our $1,997 Online Training Event, Absolutely Free! Register To access the live recordings nOW! And Still Tune in at 10:00am ET for the remaining live broadcasts this week.
Rebuild Your Construction Business While the Rest of the World is on Pause
Learn  from the Best of the Best Construction Business Owners & Operators in the World and Join Now To Get Free Access To The 10-Day 'Stop Work Order' Virtual Summit When You Register Today...
Summit goes from April 27th to May 8
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
Time Sensitive: This 10-day LIVE and highly-Interactive Summit will give you the Keys To Rebuild Your Construction Business from Monday April 27th to friday may 8th
Dear Construction Business Owner or Operator,

There is no better time than NOW to take action on your company. While the rest of the world panics, we the BUILDERS, remain resolute. We have always been the backbone of our communities and now is our time to show it.

Don't feel like you have time to step away from your operations? NO WORRIES... we are bringing this conference to you! You can easily hear other people's knowledge, skills and expertise online, on your own time.

Join Our Free 10-Day 'Stop Work Order' Virtual Summit... And learn how to create the impact and financial stability in your business that you know is possible without having to leave the comfort of your own home.

Now more than ever the world needs what you have to offer.

According PwC, the construction industry is facing a liquidity issue and a drop in consumer demand far greater than the devastating financial collapse of 2008. Now is the time to shore up your operations and deliver the service that the market will call for.

Keep on truckin,
Reed MacNaughton
P.S. Plus - Free Bonus Bundle for All Summit Attendees... Get Instant Access To The Tools and Systems to make the most of this, and every conference...  Simply For Attending This Summit.
Meet Your Host:
Reed MacNaughton
 Director of Operations for COCOZZA Restaurant & Retail - the premier boutique hospitality construction firm in New York City
 TOP 3 "Most In-Demand Session" (out of 86) from the 2019 Procore Groundbreak Conference
Commercial, Residential, Development and Engineering experience
BS: Civil Engineering | Union College. MBA: University of Florida

Commander Rorke Denver - Retired Navy SEAL
Commander Rorke T. Denver has run every phase of training for the U.S. Navy SEALs and led special-forces missions in the Middle East, Africa, Latin American and other international hot spots. Denver was awarded the Bronze Star with "V" for valorous action in combat.

Steve Baker - VP Great Game of Business
Steve is a top-rated, sought-after speaker and coach on open-book management, strategy and execution, leadership and employee engagement.

The Great Game educates employees in the rules of business, rallies them around a common goal, empowers them to see and improve the score, and engages them by giving them skin in the game.
Lisa Ulbrich - VP Commodore Builders
Lisa has 30 years of experience managing complex and challenging construction projects. Her experience ranges from ground-up construction to large-scale renovations and additions for clients in the corporate, institutional, and life sciences markets.

With a Master of Science in Innovation and indisputable construction expertise, Lisa provides invaluable leadership to her teams to develop solutions that are both client-focused and cost-effective.
Steve Jones - Brand Like a Rockstar
Steve is a 30-year music industry insider who shows how great brands can be as consistent as AC/DC, overcome adversity with the resilience of Fleetwood Mac, build incredible fan experiences like Jimmy Buffett, and connect with customers like Taylor Swift. 
" Registration window is EXTREMELY fast due to the urgency of our live virtual training. If This Page Is Online Right Now, Then We Are Not Done Yet... "
Top 7 Things To Discover:
Global Business Leadership You Need To Overcome Any Challenge & Gain The Competitive, Unfair Advantage For Uncertain Times
Earn a Profit and Generate Cash By Empowering Your Team To Understand What’s Working Now And Will Continue To Work (No matter what the economy is doing)
Discover Your Unique Expertise: Your Unique Expertise & Message That Others Will Pay For, Impacting Their Projects.  
Who To Serve: You'll Pinpoint Your “Perfect Customer Experience” Who You Love To Work With & Help Produce Results.
Who To Be: Creating a Positive Workplace Culture and a Sustainable Competitive Advantage
How To Sell It: Branding and a Brand Message That Sets You Apart In Your Market
How To Stack The Deck In Your Favor: Use Down Time To Give Leadership a Chance To Step Back and Examine How The Company is Operating; What Should It Be Doing That It Is Not, What Should It Not Be Doing That It Is
Tauhira Ali - Senior Manager Construction Tech. Milwaukee Tool
As Milwaukee Tool's Construction Technology Manager, Tauhira explores construction trends and emerging technologies which in turn impact the physical and digital solutions across every tool product line.

She has a BS and MS in mechanical engineering from Georgia Tech and Cornell, and is deeply committed to expanding and empowering all voices within technical industries
Steve Zahm - President of Procore
As Procore's Chief Culture Officer, it is Steve's responsibility to scale and strengthen culture throughout the company and around the globe.

Procore is a leading provider of cloud-based applications for construction. They connect people, applications, and devices through a unified platform to help construction professionals manage risk and build quality projects. 
Alaina Money-Garman - CEO Garman Homes
Alaina Money is founder and CEO of Garman Homes and Fresh Paint by Garman Homes. Alaina managed both the sales and construction teams before serving as Division President and is now focusing her professional energy on the national expansion of Fresh Paint.

Alaina has been named Builder of the Year twice in North Carolina
Tom Goemaat - Retired CEO Shawmut Design & Construction
Graduate of Union College in Civil Engineering. Tom had a 40 year career in the general contracting industry with Turner Construction Company and Shawmut Design and Construction.
Served as President of Shawmut from 2000 to 2005, CEO from 2005 to 2015. From 2000 to 2015 Shawmut grew from $200mm annually to $1 Billion annually. Tom currently consults for owners in execution of their projects. 
" Registration window is EXTREMELY fast due to the urgency of our live virtual training. If This Page Is Online Right Now, Then We Are Not Done Yet... "
The Stop Work Order: A Virtual Summit to Rebuild Your Construction Business While the World is on Pause. Construction Industry Experts will give you their advice, weathered by years of crisis, downturn and recession, to help you lead your business through these times as best as possible.
Interactive Experience: LIVE Presentations and LIVE Q&A - Ask the Experts in Real Time
 Community: Connect with like-minded construction business owners & operators and support each other through uncommon experience and common bonds
We've Been Here Before:  Learn from the experience of industry veterans who have navigated downturns and crises of the last 30 years
We'll Be Here Again:  Set your business up for success so you are prepared for the next event
" Registration window is EXTREMELY fast due to the urgency of our live virtual training. If This Page Is Online Right Now, Then We Are Not Done Yet... "

If you can’t make it live we’ll have a replay up each day!
 All LIVE Sessions at 7am PT / 10am ET
 Monday April 27th: Rorke Denver, Retired Navy SEAL
 Tuesday April 28th: Steve Baker, VP of the Great Game of Business
 Wednesday April 29th: Lisa Ulbrich, VP Commodore Builders
 Thursday April 30th: Steve Jones, Brand Like a Rock Star
 Friday May 1st: Reed MacNaughton, Dir of Ops COCOZZA
 Monday May 4th: Tauhira Ali, Senior Manager of Construction Technology Milwaukee Tool
 Tuesday May 5th: Steve Zahm, President Procore
 Wednesday May 6th: Alaina Money-Garmin, CEO Garmin Homes
 Thursday May 7th: Tom Goemaat, Retired CEO of Shawmut Design & Construction
 Friday May 8th: Reed MacNaughton, Dir of Ops COCOZZA
 The WORLD-CLASS Community of Construction Business Owners & Operators
This Facebook Group is your key to expertly sourced guidance and support so that you can lead your contracting company through the downturn and excel in the future
 The QUICK & EASY Summit Success System
This 10-Part Before & After Self-Evaluation is your tool to immediately improve your company's Financials, Culture, Branding, User Experience, Leadership, Processes XXXX
 The Bootstrappers Stimulus Package
This Daily Challenge is your key to putting advice into action TODAY so that the lessons learned are not forgotten and you can maximize the time invested in learning from these industry experts
 Summit Insider Secrets
These Highlights and Key Takeaways are yours for future reference so you can trigger your memory and apply what you learned this week to your business every week into the future
Free BONUS Bundle For Attendees
When you ATTEND the LIVE free challenge... Get our bonus bundle... for FREE.
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